Prince of Peace MOMS Group Board Member Descriptions
President: (1) – Shall bring the meeting to order and conduct the business of the meeting. Represents the MOMS group at Parish meetings. Initiate officer meetings as needed.
Tara Walsh
Vice President: (1) – Shall be responsible for booking guest speakers for meetings. Sending confirmation letters and thank you notes to speakers. Responsible for filling out the meeting space reservation forms. Set up the meeting room set-up. Oversee meetings when the President is absent. Substitute for other officers in their absence.
Treasurer :(1) – Shall be responsible for maintaining and balancing the checking account. Obtaining and reimbursing members for expenses incurred in the MOMS group. Transporting the cash box to each meeting. Coordination with the Childcare Committee on the collection of fees and for the payment of sitters. Coordination with Membership Committee on the collection of fees.
Michele Nelson
Secretary: (1) – The secretary shall be responsible for maintaining an updated e-mail distribution list of all current members and disseminating any relevant communications to the group via e-mail; sending out E-vite invitations to current members for all MOMS Group events as appropriate; preparing and distributing new members packets; updating and distributing the MOMS information brochure; placing meeting and event information in the POP newsletter and in the church bulletin.
Membership/Welcoming Committee: (3) – Shall respond to all inquiries in the MOMS group from Prince of Peace Parishioners. Organize any annual Newcomers Socials. Oversee MOMS booth at annual Discipleship event. Greet and assist new members at monthly meetings; create/update annual directory. Provide newcomer profiles and birthdays to the newsletter coordinators. Creating and supplying nametags for MOMS functions; Shall recognize member birthdays and anniversaries at monthly meetings. Provide updated membership information and e-mail addresses to Secretary. Collect dues from all members and forward to Treasurer.
Jennifer Timmons, Kimberly Woodard, Stefanie Lee, Debbie Emmett
Fundraising Committee: (2) – Shall oversee group fundraising efforts for the year. Consult with Board Members as to the group’s current financial status, future monthly need and ideas for charitable contributions. Conduct two or more events each year. Responsible for calling/e-mailing all members to remind them of bake sale participation and drop off dates. Receives approval for fundraising events from Prince of Peace by understanding and completing the fundraising policies and request form. Communicates with Newsletter Committee, Secretary, and the church to announce fundraising events to the parish at mass times and in the church bulletin.
Bridget Jowid
(open – 1)
Social Committee: (2-3) – Shall be responsible for planning family and couple activities throughout the year. Coordinate monthly MOMS night out. Provide sign-up sheets and information on upcoming events at each meeting. Provide information to Newsletter Committee; coordinates with Secretary to send e-vites to current members for all MOMS social events.
Maureen Redman, Lisa Burgess
Outreach Committee: (2) – Shall organize and oversee outreach projects throughout the year. Remind volunteers who sign up for outreach projects/donations prior to each monthly meeting. Maintain a list of expectant mothers and due dates. Coordinate volunteers for meals/gift cards. Also coordinate meals/gift cards for any other family in the group which may need help (death in the family, illness, etc.).
(open – 2)
Hospitality Committee: (4) – Shall be responsible for organizing the set-up and clean up for each meeting. Maintain supply closet. Inventory and replenish supply closet at last meeting. Produce sign-up sheets for food and drinks. Remind volunteers monthly. Arrive by 9:00AM and stay until 12:00 noon. Communicate coffee needs for set up with parish office.
(open -4)
Children’s Activities Committee: (2) – Shall be responsible for organizing playgroups and planning monthly activities for children throughout the year. Also responsible for organizing the annual Easter Egg Hunt, Trunk or Treat, and assisting in getting MOMS volunteers to help at the annual Church picnic. Shall provide event information to Newsletter Committee and Secretary.
Kelly Nolan, Nicole Graham, Carie Gallegos
Childcare Committee: (1) – Shall be responsible for obtaining 2 MOM volunteers per meeting to assist with check in of children. Be responsible for emailing those volunteers a week prior to the meeting as a reminder and finding replacements of those volunteers as needed.
Jasmine McCormick
Spiritual Coordinator: (1) –Shall facilitate MOMS participation in spiritual events at POP, such as: small faith groups, Mother’s Spiritual Growth, CHRP, and other programs or events. Responsible for opening prayer and conducting “Joys and Concerns” at the monthly meetings; responsible for maintaining a prayer intention box for each meeting.
Megan Thornton
Newsletter Committee/Blog: (1 -2) – Shall be responsible for gathering information from the various MOMS Committees as appropriate and producing, editing, and distributing a newsletter to the current MOMS members, relevant church personnel (Father Jim, Father Roberto, and Mary Catherine Marinoni) by sending completed newsletter to MOMS Secretary for distribution.
Meghan Martel, Christina Peveto
Baptism Coordinator: (1) – Shall be responsible for getting list of recently baptized children in sending personalized note to parents. Inviting mothers of newly baptized children to join the Prince of Peace MOMS group.
Susie Preissler
Photographer/Historian : (1-2) – Responsible for taking photographs at events and activities and maintaining a scrapbook for the MOMS group. Also responsible for providing new member pictures to the Membership/Welcoming committee and event photographs to the Newsletter Committee.